Purchase the Urban Rebounding Kids Videos seperately. Available on 1 MEGA DVD.
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Included Videos:
- First Timers
- Basic
- Intermediate
- Advanced |
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Site Design: 354design.com
In First-Timers, the kids are taught how to set-up the Urban Rebounder and are given helpful hints before they begin to urban rebound. The kids are also introduced to some core moves.
(Length: 30 Minutes)
Basic kids bound is a twenty minute workout in which the kids are taught four core moves and forty-five degree turns.
(Length: 20 Minutes)
Intermediate kids bound is a twenty minute workout in which the kids learn five core moves and quarter degree turns.
(Length: 20 Minutes)
Advanced kids bound is a twenty minute workout in which the kids learn six core moves and full directional changes.
(Length: 20 Minutes)